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caledonian airways造句

"caledonian airways"是什么意思  
  • Fuel and oil costs fell 4.3 percent because British Airways sold Caledonian Airways.
  • He was appointed Director of Personnel for British Caledonian Airways.
  • "' Caledonian Airways ( Prestwick ) "'was incorporated in managing and deputy managing director respectively.
  • Fuel and oil costs fell 4 . 3 percent because British Airways sold Caledonian Airways.
  • We returned to London together through the former British Caledonian Airways, through Muritala Mohammed Airport.
  • The Caledonian name and Caledonian Airways.
  • In 1999, Thomas Cook completed the acquisition of Carlson Leisure Group, who operated Caledonian Airways and Peach Air.
  • BA s aim was to form a new charter subsidiary under the name of Caledonian Airways ( 1988 ).
  • Caledonian Airways began replacing its Boeing 737 narrowbodies with additional ex-British Airways 757 orders placed by its parent company.
  • The resulting company was initially known as " Caledonian / BUA " before becoming " British Caledonian Airways ".
  • It's difficult to see caledonian airways in a sentence. 用caledonian airways造句挺难的
  • BCal was a wholly owned subsidiary of Caledonian Airways Ltd . BCal itself had a number of subsidiaries as well.
  • B & C's disenchantment with BUA's financial performance resulted in the sale of BUA to the Scottish charter airline Caledonian Airways on 30 November 1970.
  • ;March 6, 1962 : Caledonian Airways Flight 153 crashed into a swamp shortly after takeoff from Douala International Airport; all 111 people on board died.
  • British Airways will sell its charter airline subsidiary, Caledonian Airways, to Inspirations PLS for 16.6 million pounds ( dlrs 25.9 million ), the airline said Tuesday.
  • British Airways will sell its charter airline subsidiary, Caledonian Airways, to Inspirations PLC for 16.6 million pounds ( dlrs 25.9 million ), the airline said Tuesday.
  • Thomson, de la Haye and three associates started Caledonian Airways from scratch with an initial investment of Atlantic, many of which had a " Scottish connection ".
  • A British charter flight was grounded in Kenya by a security threat, and another aircraft was sent to pick up the 124 passengers, Caledonian Airways said Wednesday.
  • In late 1970 British & Commonwealth sold BUA along with three new BAC One-Eleven 500 aircraft it had leased to the airline to Caledonian Airways for ?2m.
  • British Airtours adopted the popular Caledonian Airways brand in April 1988 when the newly privatised British Airways had completed the takeover of its former Gatwick-based rival British Caledonian.
  • On St . Andrew's Day ( 30 November ) in 1970, Caledonian Airways acquired British United Airways ( BUA ) from leased to BUA, for a further ? million.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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